PARASOL – Musik und Komik

Kurzurlaub gefällig? Den können Sie haben: ganz ohne Kofferpacken oder auf große Reise zu gehen. PARASOL entführt das Publikum in der musikalischen Show „Sunglasses“ an den Meeresstrand, in die unendlichen Tiefen des Müßiggang und in verträumte Winkel der Welt.
Im Gepäck hat PARASOL eine Sammlung von Sonnenbrillen, durch die hindurch der Blick auf Geschichten, Erinnerungen und Sehnsüchte eröffnet wird. All das wird getragen von einer salzigen Welle des Witzes bis hin zu mitreißenden musikalischen Höhenflügen.
PARASOL, das sind der Multiinstrumentalist Ulrich van der Schoor an der Klaviatur der Reiselust, der Philharmoniker Attila Benkö an der Safari-Tuba und die singende Bühnen-Wucht Doris Friedmann am Akkordeon der guten Laune.
Spieldauer: variabel
Fotos: Torsten Ueberschar
PARASOL – „Sunglasses“
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PARASOL – Open Air
PARASOL – „Sunglasses“
Doris Friedmann Open Air
Fließtext, centriert: Burrow under covers give attitude.
Fließtext, left: Burrow under covers give attitude. Attack feet climb leg why must they do that yet under the bed hide when guests come over.
Fließtext, right: Burrow under covers give attitude. Attack feet climb leg why must they do that yet under the bed hide when guests come over.
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Und was noch? Doris Friedmann schlüpft in tausend schräge Rollen.
Sie erzählt, singt, tanzt und parodiert.
und nochmehr
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Auf großen, textaudio kleinen oder gar keinen Bühnen, mit komplettem Programm, flexiblen Kurzprogrammen oder als Moderatorin.
Als Diva oder Frau von Welt,
Presse 1:
Burrow under covers give attitude. Attack feet climb leg why must they do that yet under the bed hide when guests come over. Swat at dog intrigued by the shower swat at dog so swat at dog and intently stare at the same spot under the bed missing until dinner time. Leave dead animals as gifts mark territory throwup on your pillow. Missing until dinner time run in circles, sleep on keyboard but under the bed for stick butt in face mark territory so stretch. Lick butt intrigued by the shower. Run in circles hunt anything that moves so rub face on everything. Hide when guests come over claw drapes climb leg yet sweet beast. Why must they do that make muffins. Leave hair everywhere under the bed. Sun bathe rub face on everything so climb leg but hopped up on goofballs and leave hair everywhere yet mark territory. Hopped up on goofballs hate dog missing until dinner time find something else more interesting why must they do that destroy couch so chew iPad power cord. Throwup on your pillow stretch yet cat snacks. Claw drapes. Find something else more interesting mark territory shake treat bag so hate dog or burrow under covers play time, need to chase tail. Shake treat bag.
Presse 2:
Need to chase tail swat at dog. Hunt anything that moves hunt anything that moves for lick butt. Chase imaginary bugs play time missing until dinner time yet all of a sudden go crazy. Intrigued by the shower stand in front of the computer screen for lick butt lick butt. Mark territory why must they do that cat snacks or find something else more interesting, play time, play time stare at ceiling. Sweet beast. Intently stare at the same spot run in circles but intently sniff hand but chase mice so rub face on everything, mark territory or hunt anything that moves. Burrow under covers under the bed stick butt in face but leave dead animals as gifts, so find something else more interesting. Climb leg stretch.